South Hills Karate Academy

South Hills Karate Academy

1711 Route 885 West Mifflin, PA 15122


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You can start Tai Chi at any time. No experience needed
  • No uniforms!
  • No contracts!
Come join our easy to follow along classes with only a $5.00 drop-in fee!

About Our Tai Chi Program

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We teach a special method of Tai Chi 邰持內部 exercise called Tai Chi Naebu or ‘Internal Tai Chi.’ Various forms of Tai Chi have been practiced in the orient for hundreds of years.

Focusing on postures and being a soft style (Nae Ga Ryu), this style can be practiced by all ages! Class attendees experience a greater sense of well being, increased strength and flexibility.

Our Tai Chi class allows you to practice martial arts without the need to worry about uniforms, belts or ranks. Classes can be joined at any time!

Some of the benefits you can look to receive include the following:

Stress Relief!

The breathing, movement, and mental concentration required of individuals who practice Tai Chi are the perfect distraction from hectic lifestyles. The mind-body connection is also is learned. It has been reported that breathing combined with body movement and hand-eye coordination promotes calmness.

Strength & Endurance!

Tai Chi has proven to be an exercise with significant benefits in the areas of balance, upper- and lower-body muscular strength and endurance, and upper- and lower-body flexibility, particularly in older adults.

Improve Your Overall Health!

Aerobic capacity diminishes as we age, but research on traditional forms of aerobic exercises has shown that it can improve with regular training. It has been proven that individuals who practiced Tai Chi regularly have higher aerobic capacity than sedentary individuals around the same age.

Joint Health!

Many forms of ordinary exercise subject the shoulders, knees, the back and other joints to ill-conceived, repetitive, unnatural movements. This can eventually lead to joint problems. However, Tai Chi, uses proper postures and movements to protect and strengthen the practitioner’s joints over time.

Internal Organ Health!

Tai Chi’s fluid and bending movements, as well as its breathing and meditation components, massage the internal organs and release them from damaging constrictions brought about by stress, poor posture, and difficult working conditions. It also aids the exchange of gases in the lungs and help the digestive system to work better.